Fans left in shock after first race at NAR Himeji

Wednesday, 06 March, 2024 23:50

Himeji Racecourse

Fans could not believe their eyes after the first race at NAR Himeji Racecourse on the 5th as the winning dividend of Win bets paid less than Place bets.

Sunrise Pride was a clear favourite with a Win bet payout of 1.0 and won in style. finishing 2.2 seconds ahead of La La Vacherin in second. As the winning payout was announced at the racecourse, it displayed that the payout for the Place bet was 1.1 which was 0.1 more than the Win bet payout.

Fans on the internet could not believe the payouts, with comments such as: "I spent so much effort on studying the form and got back what I bet," and: "This is the regional racing."

Article Creds:Daily Sports


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