JRA Ritto Training Center hosted open door event for young racing fans

Friday, 09 August, 2024 12:33

Jockey Ryoya Kozaki at the event

To bring the world of horse racing closer to the public, the JRA Ritto Training Center hosted a "Summer Vacation Parent-Child Experience Tour" on August 8th, where 31 participants, including 14 children, enjoyed various activities. The event offered a rare opportunity to explore the racehorse training facilities and stables, experience horseback riding, and engage in a Q&A session with active jockeys.

Jockey Ryoya Kozaki, who participated in the event, expressed his delight, saying, "I joined with the hope that it might spark some interest. Many children are involved in equestrian activities or expressed a desire to become jockeys. I believe this will contribute to raising the overall level of the Training Center. I hope we can create more opportunities like this in the future."

Article Creds:Daily Sports


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