Kawakami Princess, 2006 G1 Japanese Oaks and Shuka Sho winner passed away

Wednesday, 13 September, 2023 17:30

On the 12th, the Japan Racing Association announced that Kawakami Princess, winner of the G1 Japanese Oaks and the Shuka Sho in 2006 and the recipient of the JRA Award for Best Three-Year-Old Filly and Best Horse by Home-Bred Sire in the same year, had passed away at the age of 20 at the Mitsuishi Kawakami Ranch in Shinhidaka Town, Hokkaido.

Kawakami Princess trained by Katsuichi Nishiura made her debut at Hanshin in February 2006. She achieved a remarkable five consecutive victories, culminating in the Best Three-Year-Old Filly award, and then finished first in the G1 Queen Elizabeth II Commemorative Cup, which she aimed for three consecutive G1 victories. However, she was disqualified after interfering with other horses in the home stretch. After that, she continued to race until the 6-year-old season but did not secure any more wins. Her overall record stands at 17 starts with 5 wins.

Former trainer Nishiura commented, "I heard the news this morning. It's such a shame. She was a horse who gave us dreams during her active career. It was unfortunate that she was disqualified in the QEII Commemorative Cup, but she showed us how strong she could be. She had a fracture as an older horse and couldn't achieve the results we hoped for but she still ran well. She was a very strong-willed mare. May she rest in peace."

Article Creds:Daily Sports


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