Calm life and updates of Orfevre from stud hands

Friday, 15 September, 2023 19:05

Orfevre (Photo: Shadai Stallion Station)

We have interviewed stud hands who take care of the G1 Arima Kinen winner Orfevre at Shadai Stallion Station with some updates on him.

Interviewer - "What is his stable name?"

Stud hand - "We call him Orfe or Orfevre."

Interviewer - "What is his personality like?"

Stud hand - "He expresses his feelings with a whole body so he gives us some hard times sometimes. But we like him being relaxed and enjoying himself at the stud so we don't mind that. He is actually very smart so he knows how to express himself and communicate with us. Because of that, accidents don't happen with him."

Interviewer - "How do you rate him as a sire?"

Stud hand - "I think Orfevre has the highest chance of producing winners on every type of surface and distance. Breeders were a little sceptical about him during the early years of his stud career but now his stats are more consistent and producing good numbers in categories such as AEI. Progenies are performing well in a diverse range of races so he is gaining more support from breeders."

Interviewer - "How is he doing recently?"

Stud hand - "He likes being around Isla Bonita. He is 15 now but he is still as healthy as when he was young. He is playful and he runs whenever he wants to, he sleeps whenever he wants to, and he eats whenever he wants to. He is having a good life here. I would love to live like him."

Interviewer - "What is the reason behind putting a blind around his box?"

Stud hand - "We have six other horses who have got blinds. They don't like being close to other stallions and sometimes that could lead to bad things in the stud farm. That's why we put blinds to keep everyone calm and make them mind their own things. We think that it will be better to put blinds to all boxes but that will make it inconvenient for all of us to take care of horses so we will not do that."

Interviewer - "What do you think his future will be?"

Stud hand - "I really hope that he will produce a triple crown winner on both turf and dirt. Ultimately, becomes the leading sire on both surfaces. It will be also amazing to see Orfevre winning the Breeders' Cup Turf and Classic in the same year and I will add Arc as well. This is a dream for us but he could make it a reality."


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