New training course at Miho Training Center unveiled

Friday, 22 September, 2023 17:15

Demonstration at the new slope course in Miho

A new training course at Miho Training Center was shown to the press and trainers after the completion of construction with a demonstration of an equine workout exhibition. The new slope course has an total elevation gain of 33 meters compared to 18 meters on the other slope course in Miho.

Trainer Shigeyuki Kojima participated in the demonstration and commented "The view is different and we have to get used to it. I really loved how the slope progresses from the beginning to the end." He added "The Slope course in Ritto is narrower and has a longer straight distance. Here, it's wider but has a shorter straight distance. There is no doubt that the new slope course is better than the other one. I am looking forward to exploring what we can do with this new infrastructure."


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